De Sanctis

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  • The Amacos is a Frascati Superiore Riserva DOCG from the De Sanctis organic winery, which more than others reflects the quality of the winemaking and the great complexity of the volcanic soil. It's a structured wine, with a deep straw yellow color, pleasant fruity peach notes and aromas of lime on the nose, with a pleasantly aromatic taste. 

    15,90 €
  • Iuno is a red wine produced by the De Sanctis winery in the vineyards of Frascati from the bordeaux grape variety Cabernet Franc in purity, in a favorable climatic context that enhances its typical qualities. On the nose, hints of red fruit and spicy notes stand out, making it a fragrant wine on the palate, full-bodied with a persistent aromatic finish.

    15,50 €
  • Starting from a high quality grape juice, it becomes simple then the next process that will turn it into a great wine. The whole process is organic, not just the cultivation of grapes, but all the subsequent stages in the cellar.

    12,30 €
  • "Id vinum erit lene et suave et bono colore et bene odoratum." from the "De Agri Cultura" of Marco Porzio Catone, who had an estate and vineyards in the area near the De Sanctis winery, since the area is called PrataPorci and the street where we are is Via Pietra Porzia, with clear references to the gens Portia, whose Cato belonged.

    13,50 €