Vigne Surrau

There are 3 products.

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  • Montidimola Vigne Surrau Vermentino di Gallura DOCG is a wine rich in "fruit", emblem and ambassador of a territory with a high wine vocation. The grapes harvested late give complexity and character for a satisfying drink.

    32,90 €
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  • Sciala Vigne Surrau is a Vermentino di Gallura DOCG that stands out for its aromatic complexity, structure and minerality. It fully reflects the Gallura territorial identity, showing all the character that this grape can express in terms of freshness, complexity and longevity.

    21,90 €
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  • The Branu Vigna Surrau is a Vermentino di Gallura DOCG of a beautiful straw yellow with floral and mineral notes, a wine that projects into the hot summer season.

    13,90 €