
There are 3 products.

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  • The Rosa-ae Torre dei Beati is a sensational rosé that already enchants the eye with the deep pink that we are no longer used to seeing and conquers with a nose rich in fresh red fruit with notes of strawberries, pomegranate, cherry and a light citrus. A well made full body and a nice length.

    12,60 €
  • The Chronicon Cerasuolo is a pale pink wine, at the sight it is intense and bright, on the nose hints of wildflowers, accompanied by a pleasant and delicate wild note, on the palate it is a delicate and very balanced wine with a slight persistence.

    9,50 €
  • Testaorossa Rosato Pasetti is the young version of Montepulciano Testarossa in cherry with beautiful rosy reflections and with marked aromas of cherry and fresh raspberries enriched by a good flavor on the palate.

    11,90 €
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